Weekly SERMON Discussion Group
Sundays • 9:30 – 10:30AM, Chapel
We will kick off our time with a Q&A, and then we’ll spend some time digging into and discussing the study guide material from the previous week. Drop in anytime.

Vacation Bible School
June 24 -28 • 9am – 12pm
Early Registration is open until April 5
Join us to go back in time on a valiant quest to discover the Armor of God. At VBS, kids will learn about each unique piece of armor and the exciting news that when we put on the full Armor of God, we tap into his mighty power!

Monthly Prayer Gathering
March 21 • 7 – 8PM
Join us on the 3rd Thursday every month for a time to pray for our church, our community, and our world.

Cancer Support Group
March 22 • 4 – 5PM, Home Life Center
Join us for an informal gathering for cancer patients and their caregivers, held on the 4th Friday of every month. We’ll share stories, offer encouragement, exchange helpful ideas, and pray for each other. If you’d like to be a part of this group, please reach out to Patty Howard.

Easter Event for All Ages
March 23 • 10AM – 1PM
Join us for an Easter celebration! Bring your friends and neighbors for Easter Egg Hunts, bounce houses, food trucks, prizes, and more!

Discover Your Purpose
March 24 • 12:15 – 2:30PM
Would you like to learn about your spiritual gifts? In this class, you will explore how God has uniquely designed you and discover opportunities to use your gifts, skills, and experiences to make an impact for God’s glory. A light lunch will be provided.

Good Friday Service
March 29 • 7PM
Spend time reflecting on the meaning of Good Friday and our response to the cross. We’ll also share communion.

Easter Celebration
March 31 • 9:30 and 11AM
Come celebrate with us the life-changing impact of the resurrection! Join us for uplifting music and a meaningful message of hope and freedom found in Jesus. Perfect for you and your family.

Panel on Aging
April 4 • 12 – 1:30PM
Learn from experts on estate planning, downsizing, relocating, in-home assistance, and more. Recommended for those 60 and up to plan for aging well, or for anyone with parents in this age group to better understand their journey and offer support.

Passed Thru Fire Class
Begins January 22 • 7 – 8:30PM, Online
If you want to take a step toward greater multicultural understanding, join our MEC Winter Experience. It’s a 10-week journey where you’ll meet weekly with a small group to share stories, ask questions, and pursue growth together.

Information Session
April 7 • 12:15PM, Chapel
50% of foster families continue fostering after the first year, but when a team of dedicated caregivers wrap around them, that percentage jumps to 90%! You canmake a lasting impact when you join a Wrap Around Care Team at MCC. You’ll support foster families by periodically providing meals, doing laundry, or watching kids so that parents can rest and reconnect. For more information, join us.

Second Saturday Serve
April 13 • 9AM
The second Saturday of every month, we serve our neighbors at and near MCC. Invite some friends and join us as we make an impact together!

MCC Membership
April 20 • 9AM – 2:30PM
Have you been thinking about becoming a member? Now is your opportunity!

Spring Child Dedication
April 20 • 9:30 – 11AM
We are honored to partner with you from the very beginning of your journey as parents. We want to be a consistent source of encouragement, strength, and resources as you raise your child to have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

Meet the Pastors
April 21 • 12:15 – 1:30PM
Join our lead pastor, church staff, and others who are new to MCC for a casual meal and conversation. We’d love to get to know you and help you get connected!

April 21 • 9:30 & 11AM
We celebrate Baptisms on the third Sunday of every month. If you’re ready to take this step in your faith, registration is due no later than ten days before your Baptism. Once registered, a Deacon will call to arrange a meeting so we can guide and support you along your journey.

Senior Ministry Spring Retreat
April 21 – 22 • Beginning at 3PM
This year’s MCC Senior Retreat will be held at Hueston Woods Lodge with the theme “Thriving and Fruitful Living.” Ron Vance, our speaker, will inspire us to live thriving, fruitful lives as we walk with Jesus.